Jeffrey tagged me! =P
RULE: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits / things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.NO TAG backs!
1. I like to drink a lot of water before I go to bed (although people said tomorrow will look fatter)
2. I love shopping ( is very common for girls~)
3. I like to watch HK drama instead of Taiwan drama ( is boring k~always is about love love love)
4. During secondary school i was a very very quiet people ( i can whole day don't talk to people!)
5. I love good foods^^ and i also love to searching for nice foods
6. I like to spending time with my bf ..kaka
7. I am a girl who can happy easily( just eat a piece of cake or ice cream can make me feel very happy already)
8. I love traveling
9. I wont shopping at Sungai Wang and TS
10. I don't like people smoking!
11. rarely take self portrait
12. I must eat breakfast before before working/ college ( if not will faint le¬)
13. I wish to have Pomeranian again..sob sob
14. I love to eat High Calories foods like chocolate and fried foods ( reduce eating that now)
15. I seldom eat or drink sweet things ( no 100 plus ,no Coca cola )
My Victim:
Me Very Me
XIAO YUE's World
-My Way My Rulez-
2 years ago
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